Monday, July 22, 2024

July 9th, Retrophonics Studios - I replaced a rhythm guitar and added some parts on "The Way It Is"  and replaced the lead vocal. I replaced a finger picking guitar part on "In-Between" and tried to put a lead vocal on but it didn't happen. Also worked with Johnny on a song we are writing "Dark Clouds".  We didn't get to "Cowboy Song" but these will be the three we will complete first. I talked to Barry Dunaway and he is going to work up bass parts for "Making Rainbows" and " I Wish". It was a good day working with Jim and Johnny.

July 10th, Carpetbaggers DAVE and Sue at Hurricane Grill and Wings - Frankie was sick so it was the DAVE and Sue show. We were under cover, it rained a little but didn't stop us. Always fun playing with the Queen Bee. Besides Wednesdays we will be at Hurricane's July 20th and July 26th.

July 12th, 13th and 14th, DAVE at The Big Deck - I had a great weekend! Rick (Yoko Says No) and Trish showed up from Virginia. We missed Darlene!

It's going to be a busy week. I'm looking forward to the studio and getting together with Dan Bagan. I have some ideas to run by him. Thanks for letting me live my dream!!!  Keepin' It Real! -David

see you down the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
check out my upcoming performances here:

Carpetbaggers Band 

The North Star Band 


July 3rd, Carpetbaggers DAVE, Sue and Frankie at Hurricane Grill and Wings - It was hot!!! But it was fun!

July 4th, DAVE and Sue at The World Famous Oasis Tiki Bar - Had a nice evening at the Oasis Tiki Bar! See you Saturday with Tony and Sue same place, same station!

July 5th, DAVE at Aunt Kate's - It was warm but fun playing on the porch by the water! See you Sunday 1 to 4pm!

July 6th, Carpetbaggers DAVE, Sue and Tony at The World Famous Oasis Tiki Bar - What a great night! Started out a little slow but man did it get going!

July 7th, DAVE at Aunt Kate's - It was another great afternoon on the porch by the water! Thanks Brian and staff you guys are the best!

I will be in the studio on Tuesday this week. Also hope to be with Dan Bagan doing our walk and working on some new ideas. Thanks for letting me live my dream!!! Keepin' It Real! -David

see you down the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
check out my upcoming performances here:

Carpetbaggers Band 

The North Star Band 

June 24th, Retrophonics Studios - I put a bass track on "Remember Me". Johnny Medico and I sat with guitar and piano and worked up arrangements and ideas for two new tunes "The Best Of Times" and "Dark Clouds". Our first of many co-writes I hope.

June 26th, Carpetbaggers DAVE, Sue, Tony and Frankie at Hurricane Grill and Wings -  There was rain early so we set up under cover. It was a nice evening. See you next week!

June 27th thru July 2nd - I was off to Glacier Bay Lodge in Gustavus, AK Went to Gustavus, It was my birthday present from TT.  Thanks! We had a blast at the Glacier Bay Lodge where we stayed. I'm sure I will tell everyone about it as I see you. A trip to Alaska was on my bucket list. 

Glacier Bay

I had  a wonderful 70th birthday in Alaska. I'm excited to get back to work. Thanks for letting me live my dream!!! Keepin' It Real! -David

see you down the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
check out my upcoming performances here:

Carpetbaggers Band 

The North Star Band 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

June 17th, Retrophonics Studios - Jim, Johnny and I worked on "Front and Center" and "Remember Me". Johnny got both tracks on drums and I got a pretty good bass track on "Front and Center".

June 18th, Songwriter's Night at The World Famous Oasis Tiki Bar - Another fun one with Chelsea, Lauren and Bob. I wish I had felt a little better but it was still great to share the stage with these talented folks. Also finished another tune "Dark Clouds", that's two I have ready to record after we get a little farther along with Project #6.

Lauren, Chelsea, Bob, Dave

June 19th, Carpetbaggers DAVE, Sue, Tony and Frankie at Hurricane Grill and Wings - We had a great evening at Hurricane's, the rain stopped us once but we were able to finish our show. See you guys next week.

June 20th, OFF - I missed the walk and my studio session this morning with Dan Bagan. I'm feeling a little under the weather, but I still feeling a little rough went with TT and Brianna to watch Braylen's Allstar game in Macclenny, FL. They won!

June 21st, Carpetbaggers DAVE, Sue, Tony and Frankie at The St. Augustine Fish House and Oyster Co - We cancelled due to rain. We got soaked! At least they bought Frankie and Tony dinner for the band and equipment getting completely soaked. I will be sure in the future to pay closer attention to the forecast when asked to set up and play. You live and learn.

June 22nd, Carpetbaggers DAVE, sue, Tony and Frankie at Hurricane Grill and Wings - It's been crazy weather but it did not rain on us tonight. We were under cover just in case. I enjoyed hanging out with the band and playing some music. Thanks Abe, Albert, Slim and staff you guys are the best!

June 23rd, DAVE at Aunt Kate's - I had a nice hot afternoon out on the porch by the water! 

Looking forward to the studio this week. Also looking forward to our Alaska trip! Thanks for letting me live my dream!!! Keepin' It Real! -David

see you down the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
check out my upcoming performances here:

Carpetbaggers Band 

The North Star Band 

June 3rd, Retrophonics Studios - Johnny Medico put drum tracks on three tunes today "Ride Like The Wind", "In-Between" and "The Way It Is". Jim DeVito, Johnny and I are starting to get ideas on what else we need on the Project #6 songs. 

June 4th, OFF - Finished up a new tune "The Best Of Times" will probably lay it down in two weeks. 

June 5th, Carpetbaggers DAVE, Sue, Tony and Frankie at Hurricane Grill and Wings -  It was a nice evening at Hurricane's until the rain at 7:30 pm. Stopped a little early see you next week!

June 6th, Bagan and Company - Dan and I did our walk and then worked on the liner notes for Project #6. I'm getting some ideas about re-releasing my first 4 solo cd's in one package.

June 6th, Carpetbaggers DAVE and Sue at The World Famous Oasis Tiki Bar - We had some rain but it was a blessing in disguise, it cooled it down some. 

June 7th, DAVE at Aunt Kate's -  I had a great evening out on the porch by the water! A little rain but it passed quickly. Thanks Brian and staff you guys are the best!

June 8th, DAVE a The Murray Bros. Caddyshack - It was a nice evening. I metg Bill Murray's brother Andy. Also a couple of wrestlers that were performing next door at the River City WWE  Convention 2024.

Big dudes with Dave from River City WWE

June 9th, DAVE at Aunt Kate's - There was no power, waited around for a bit but Brian found out it would not be until at least 2pm before it came back on, it was 11am so he said told me to go home. I was looking forward to playing and also hearing how my new speaker QSC sounded.

I'm looking forward to working with Jim and Johnny this week. We will be adding bass and drum parts on my new effort Project #6. Also had a zoom meeting with my North Star Band mates and we are starting to get moving on our new  project The North Star Band, Kick Ass Country. Dan Bagan and I are almost done with the layout for Project #6. Also need help from Brianna to solve a little problem, then we will soon be ready to have T-Shirts! Thanks for letting me live my dream! Keepin' It Real! -David

see you down the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
check out my upcoming performances here:

Carpetbaggers Band 

The North Star Band 

June 10, Retrophonics Studios - Johnny Medico did drum tracks on "I Got Lucky" and "Cowboy Dream". I sent two tracks to Barry Dunaway "I Wish" and "Making Rainbows". I hope we cut bass tracks and drums to "Remember Me" and "Front and Center" next week.

June 12th, Carpetbaggers DAVE, Sue and Frankie at Hurricane Grill and Wings - Another hot, but great evening at Hurricane's. A little rain but not hard enough to stop us. See you next week!

June 13th, Bagan and Company - Dan and I did our walk and then worked on the layout for Project #6 and moved further along on the t-shirt design. 

June 13th, Carpetbaggers DAVE and Sue at The Press - Dinner was delicious and the show was fun. This is a place you want to try out!

June 14th, 15th and 16th, DAVE at The Big Deck Bar and Grill - It was a hot and rainy weekend, but always a good time in Cedar Key! Thanks Bryan, Darlene and staff you guys are the best! See you July 12th, 13th and 14th.

It has been a wonderful week. I'm looking forward to adding a couple bass and drum tracks this week at Retrophonics with Jim and Johnny. Thanks for letting me live my dream!!! Keepin' It Real! -David

see you down the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
check out my upcoming performances here:

Carpetbaggers Band 

The North Star Band 

May 20th, Retrophonics Studios - I worked with Jim and Johnny again today. I did two bass tracks "Ride Like The Wind" and "I Got Lucky". We also cleaned up two tracks to send to Barry for possible low end reinforcement.

May 21st, Songwriter's Night at The World Famous Oasis Tiki Bar - It was a great night, Steve, Gary and Dan kicked butt! As usual Bob was the man! Thanks for supporting original music in St. Augustine! See you next month!

Steve, Dan, Gary, Bob, Dave

May 22nd -May 28th, DAVE at Coles Point Tavern - I am back home from another wonderful trip to the Northern Neck of Virginia. And once again it had it's moments. Thanks Ace, Randy, Chris and Ann, Mike, Sandy, Stacey and Sherry, Selisa and Steve. And to all my friends there, old and new that I see on my Memorial Day Weekend run at the tavern. See you in September!

May 29th, Carpetbaggers DAVE, Sue, Tony and Frankie at Hurricane Grill and Wings - It was a hot one, but a wonderful evening playing with the band. Thanks for supporting the Carpetbaggers every Wednesday at the grill. 

May 30th, Bagan and Company - Dan and I did our Thursday routine morning walk and then got down to business on the liner notes for Project #6.

May 31st, DAVE at Aunt Kate's - I had a nice evening out on the porch by the water!

June 1st, Carpetbaggers DAVE, Sue, Tony and Frankie at The San Sebastian Winery - It doesn't get any better than last night. Great crowd, great weather and a chance to play with a great band.

June 2nd, DAVE at Aunt Kate's - I had a great afternoon out on the porch by the water! Thanks Brian and staff you guys are the best!

Looking forward to getting together with Dan and working on the layout for Project #6. Thanks for letting me live my dream!!! Keepin' It Real! -David

see you down the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
check out my upcoming performances here:

Carpetbaggers Band 

The North Star Band