Wednesday, August 19, 2020

 August 10th, A DAY OFF

August 11th - A DAY OFF

August 12th, Carpetbaggers DAVE and Sue at Hurricane Grill and Wings - It turned out to be a good night. The no-seeums attacked us near the end of the night but went away pretty quickly.  We tried a new song I just finished with Sue "Train" I'm pretty excited, went pretty good.

August 13th, Carpetbaggers DAVE, Sue, Tony and Frankie at Bagan and Company "Live" - We had a great evening of music. Thanks Dan, Clay, Wayne and Theresa we couldn't do it without you all. And thanks for all the great folks that join us every week!!!!

August 14th, DAVE at Aunt Kate's - It was a rain out! I tried to get the gig in, waited around for awhile but the weather would not cooperate. See you Sunday from 2pm to 5pm!

August 15th, Carpetbaggers DAVE, Sue and Frankie at Creekside - Another rain out! See you at the end of the month.

August 16th, DAVE at Aunt Kate's - It was a nice gig until almost the end and then it poured. At least I got the gig in. Thanks to all the great workers at Aunt Kate's for jumping in and helping me get my gear out of the rain.

It's been kind of a crazy week with the rain and all. I guess most folks would just say "Welcome to Florida in August". Looking forward to the studio this week with Jim DeVito and Tony Scozzaro. Thanks for letting me live my dream! Keepin' It Real!-David

see you down the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
check out my upcoming performances here:


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