Tuesday, August 6, 2024

July 22nd, Retrophonics Studios - Johnny worked on a drum part for "In-Between" also added percussion on "The Way It Is". It was a good day.

July 23rd, OFF  - I started on a new tune "Color Blue" (working title).

July 24th, Carpetbaggers DAVE, Sue and Tony at Hurricane Grill and Wings - Frankie was unable to make the show but Tony and Sue stepped up and hit it out of the park. Had a blast! See you this Friday!

July 25th, Bagan and Company - Dan and I did the morning walkout and then went into the studio and came up with a good idea for the first release from Project #6 my new solo CD. The song is "The Way It Is".

July 26th, Carpetbaggers DAVE, Sue and Frankie at Hurricane Grill and Wings - Tony wasn't feeling well so we marched ahead with the three of us. We were under cover and it turned out to be for a good reason because it rained. We had a nice crowd though, met some new folks, had a good time. Get better Tony!

July 27th, DAVE at Aunt Kate's - Michael Howard was under the weather so I filled in for him today. I had a nice afternoon on the porch by the water. Thanks Brian ans staff you guys are the best! See you August 2nd and 4th!

July 28th, Carpetbaggers DAVE and Sue at St. Augustine Fish House and Oyster  - It was a nice afternoon at The St Augustine Fish House. The rain stayed away!

It was a great week! I'm looking forward to getting in the studio on Monday with Jesse Cruce to add tracks to Project #6. Also looking forward to my walk and working on the art work for my release of "The Way It Is"a song from my new solo CD. Thanks for letting me live my dream!!! Keepin' It Real!-David

see you down the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
check out my upcoming performances here:

Carpetbaggers Band 

The North Star Band


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