Thursday, September 16, 2021

September 1st thru the 6th, DAVE at Coles Point Tavern - I had a great road trip. I read two books, rested some, hung out with friends and played some music. It doesn't get any better than that. Thanks Acie for putting us up and putting up with us. Thanks Mike and Sandy for a wonderful meal also Selise for the potato salad, watermelon and sausage and cheese dip. It was all awesome. Thanks Randy for the PA and the lifts to the gig. Thanks Chris and Anne for booking me for the 5 days. Thanks to the wonderful staff at the Tavern who took care of me. Thanks to Joel who is always there for the music. Thanks brother Ed for making The Seiners Virginia. reunion a great time. Thanks Theresa, Dad, Margie, Kristen,Brent and Ed because your family and I love you all! See you Memorial Day weekend!

Labor Day 2021 Coles Point Tavern

September 7th, The Carpetbaggers DAVE, Frankie and Tony at Bagan and Company "LIVE" from the Classic Car Museum of St. Augustine -  The start was frantic but everyone held it together.  What pros (with a capital "P") these guys are (Clay and Dan) everything worked out and we had a great time as usual. Rob Peck who in my tired state of mind kept I kept calling Rob Pickett (my deceased half brother), did a great job! Rob also hung around a little bit after his show and played a few tunes with us. Dan, Clay and Theresa did a great job. We will be back October 5th. I'm really looking forward to it! Thanks for supporting our "LIVE" stream.

September 9th, Carpetbaggers DAVE, Tony and Frankie at Pelican Landing, It was a great night! We missed Sue but she will be returning next week!

September 10th, 11th and 12th DAVE at The Big Deck - Another great weekend on the other coast at the Big Deck. We lost Liam this weekend, he was Byryan and Darlene's dog,  the biggest Dog friend I ever had. He left us on 9/11/2021 

My new release LIVE and a little touched USB Flash Drive with 10 Videos and music tracks is available now! Thanks Dan and Clay you guys are the best! Also as I keep saying we are closing in on "BACK AGAIN" our new Carpetbaggers CD produced by Jim DeVito at Retrophonics Recording Studio. I can't wait to get back with the band. Thanks for letting me live my dream! Keepin' It Real!! -David

see you down the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
check out my upcoming performances here: 

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